Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish Goals for 2013

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme run by The Broke and the BookishEvery week, there is a new topic and you make a list based on that topic. This week's topic is the "Top Ten Bookish Goals for 2013".  I actually did a similar post (though less detailed) on Sunday, so you can check that out too if you want.  Let's get started! 

1. Read 50 books in 2013.
I've done this the last couple years, except last year I tried to read 75 and failed. I feel like 50 is a good target number. 

2. Blog more consistently.
As you might of noticed, I only really make time for blogging during breaks in my semester. I feel like I can work on this if I schedule more posts.

3. Review More
I read a lot, but I don't review a lot. Either because I have nothing to say or by the time I sit down to review the book, I've forgotten what I wanted to say. 

4. Interact with my subscribers more
I really want to get to know all of you better, so I'm looking for ways to work on that.

5. Post more than Top Ten Tuesdays and Reviews
I have a couple book-related posts in the works, and I think they could be interesting. 

6. Read more variety.
This past December, I fell into a reading slump because I was tired of reading what I thought was less-than-great YA and didn't know how to make the change. I would love to read more adult literary fiction and expand my reading horizons. 

7. Attend a bookish event
I'm not quite sure how this would go about because nothing really comes to KC and I really can't afford to go anywhere most of the time. But this is something I would really like to do. 

8. Read more books I own.
I have a serious problem with reading books I own as opposed to books I have checked out from the library probably because I feel the time crunch that can be associated with library books whereas I have all the time in the world to read books I own. 

9. Participate in a readathon. 
I would love to participate in a readathon, but they always just randomly appear  and I don't have time to participate. So I shall make the time. 

10. Buy more books.
I love libraries; they are where I get most of the books I read and I am never going to stop supporting them. That being said, I would like to build my own personal collection of books. But first, I need to invest in a new book shelf. 

Those are my bookish goals for 2013. As you can see, I have a lot of work to do. Do share any of these goals with me? What are your goals for 2013? 


  1. haha I know what you mean about the read-a-thons just randomly appearing. I always see the posts for them after they have already started or are over. I'm really working on putting myself out there more this year and that seems like it would be such a fun way to do that. Here's to hoping we discover the next one before it's too late!

    1. I'm working on putting myself out there more too! If I find any readathons before the day of, I will let you know!

  2. I think I faced #5 last year. When I started my book blog a few years ago, I was posting here and there, but only got more serious about it within the past two years or so. But I was only posting book reviews and memes here and there. I'm still looking for other book-related stuff to post but I've sort of been trying other bookish type posts as well...it's fun, different xD

    Best of luck with your goals this 2013, it'll be an awesome one! =D

    1. I've only really gotten serious this past six months, but last semester was a lot rougher than I anticipated, which slowed my blogging progress. I'm still working on bookish type posts to share. Best of luck with your 2013 too! It will be an awesome year!

  3. Consistancy is a hard one when in school. I'm continuing to work on it too. I recommend trying to post specific days each week (ie Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday...) and to schedule it out. I made a little calender so I could keep track of what to post when.

    Samantha @ Reading-AndCoffee

    1. I've been trying to work on a two post a week schedule: One on Tuesday and one on Friday/Saturday. I'm going to start writing what needs to be posted when in my planner. Hopefully, that will help.

  4. I love all these! I need to interact more too, and read more books, of course :) I've always wanted to join readathon but never had time too. Maybe I'll join one when summer vacation comes :)

    My Goals for 2013
    Waiting on Wednesday

    1. Yeah, I probably won't be able to do a readathon until the summer, because of school! Good luck with you goals!
